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Shiba Inu

Why not go for unique with your dog? Why not choose the right puppy for your home, one with an affectionate nature, and that is easily trainable? The Shiba Inu is the perfect, unique puppy for your home, one that will grow up to be a lively and friendly dog for the whole family. It’s a unique dog in not only its history but in its temperament. It’s a perfect choice for any home or apartment because of this. Here at Purebred Pups, we find this dog to be perfect for a serious dog lover.

The Shiba Inu is a pure bred dog which is very alert, lively, and affectionate. They are intelligent dogs who train easily with the proper guidance. Natural explorers, it is important to have a fence for them.

The Shiba Inu is a Japanese native breed of dog used first for hunting. It’s a perfect companion dog for sale, because it’s an excellent watchdog while also affectionate. Our Shiba Inu puppies for sale look much like foxes, with their pointed face, broad forehead, and triangular ears. In some ways it resembles a mini Akita.

Most Shiba Inu dogs are red or red with black tips, while others are black or cream. The Shiba Inu is double coated, with the outer coat being straight and stiff and the undercoat thick and soft. The hair stands off the body about two inches and has no need to ever be trimmed. These dogs do shed, but with regular brushing the shedding can be very manageable.

Male and female Shiba Inus differ in size and body proportion. The male Shiba Inu is stockier with more muscle tone, while the female has a much smaller frame, and is shorter and lighter in weight. Full grown males are usually 14-19 inches tall and weigh 18-25 pounds. The females are usually 13-18 inches tall and 15-20 pounds.

The American Kennel Club considers the Shiba Inu to have a spirited boldness, good nature, and an unaffected forthrightness, which gives the dog dignity and natural beauty. Once you earn this puppies respect, it will show you plenty of love.

The Shiba Inu almost never barks, but when provoked uses a loud, high pitched scream. It’s a good natured family friendly breed of dog. In terms of dogs available here on Purebred Pups, the Shiba Inu is a picture of a beauty and intelligence.  

Males cost $700. Females cost $750. Breeding rights can be purchased on select puppies for a $500 fee. We are open by appointment daily.